TIMSS & PISA International Testing Using High Ability Mathematics Sub-Score Data

ECHA Conference Munster, Germany September 2012

This presentation was given at the ECHA conference in Munster, Germany in September 2012. The focus of this presentation was international test scores in Mathematics from TIMSS (Grades 4 and 8) and PISA (Age 15). The presentation shows rankings on total mean scores in Math, as well is sub-score data. The sub-score data is extremely insightful in showing distribution of scores in Number Sense, Algebra, and Geometry, as well as according to thinking skills. Most important in relation to Gifted & Talented is the data for students at the 90th percentile, and the comparison of math scores based on gender. The results shown can be used in comparing important sub-scores and planning alternative emphasis on math topic concentration based on TIMSS International Benchmarks and PISA Proficiency Levels. The last slides of the presentation have three spreadsheet pages showing a overview of test scores for any countries that participated in any of the testing. It is recommended that these three pages be printed out and used as a ready reference whenever discourse makes reference to international test scores.

ECHA Presentation